Welcome to our Curriculum Page
At St Joseph's, we know that "With God, all things are possible" and this is reflected in our curriculum. Our aspirational curriculum has high expectations of all pupils in all subjects meaning that all children succeed in every subject and achieve their own, God given potential.
We are proud to say that we offer a broad and balanced curriculum which enables all children to develop knowledge, skills and understanding that are relevant to them both now and for their future. At the heart of our curriculum is our mission to carry out the mission of the Church, that is to spread the Good News and teach Gospel values. We intend to teach the National Curriculum in an engaging and exciting way, revisiting knowledge, skills and concepts in order that children know more and remember more.
Through the curriculum, we aim to provide opportunities which develop aspiration, develop independent, resilient learners who show compassion towards others and who have the personal qualities necessary to flourish in the next stage of their school life.
Each subject is carefully planned by the subject leader to ensure that it builds on the relevant EYFS learning, feeds into the learning which will happen in Year Seven as well as building on learning from the previous term and year group. This careful planning ensures that our curriculum is cyclical and progressive which enables children to know more and remember more.
Please use the links on the left to find out more about the curriculum in each subject. Each year group produces a termly Curriculum Leaflet which gives parents information about what their child is learning that term and how they can help at home. You can find these in the class links on the left. If you would like to know more about a particular subject or year group, please email and we will be very happy to provide you with the information that you require.
Our classroom curriculum is supplemented by a programme of educational visits which are carefully planned in advance to minimise the burden of cost to parents. The aims of our educational visits are to:
- provide children with relevant learning experiences which are not possible in the classroom
- deepen children's understanding of their curriculum learning
- provide children with cultural opportunities to visit places of interest in the local area which they may revisit with their family
- provide children with cultural opportunities to visit places of interest further afield which they may not be able to visit with their family
- provide children with opportunities to visit sites of Catholic interest
- provide children with opportunities to visit places of worship of other faiths
Careers Education
We aim to enable children to have a breadth and depth of learning experiences, not just within the curriculum but beyond the confines of the classroom, opening our children's eyes to the world around them. Each year group will be given the opportunity for at least one termly external visit, to experience the world of work and the wider world around them. Additionally, each year group has an 'Activity Passport' which builds opportunities into the curriculum to faciliate experiences for our children that they may not otherwise have. Our curriculum content is designed to prepare our children for an aspirational future and, working alongside many other professional organisations and agencies, we offer an array of opportunities and experiences. We also have a careers and vocations programme for all of our children, particularly our Year 5 and 6 pupils, enabling them to learn about the range of career opportunities that are available to them, not just in the present, but also later on in life.
If you would like to know more about the curriculum, please contact the class teacher or school office.